How is it that you are getting so big, so fast? You're almost 2 1/2 already! You are funny and active and so very, very loved.

~You love to play golfs--as you call it--, hockey, and baseball.

~You can't get enough of your daddy. He's your best friend and playmate.
~You are the best big brother EVER. You wake up every morning asking for your "Wook" and can't wait till I let you run in the room to say hi to him or wake him up.
~You suddenly love to dance and ask for your CD every time we are in the car...except you only want to listen to the damn ABC song that mommy is so very sick of hearing! :) Something else, anything else would be fabulous.
~You adore your nannie. She took you to see Cars2 yesterday and you fell asleep about an hour in to the movie. I have a sneaking suspicion we'll see that movie again though.
~You swallowed a penny on July 3rd that has yet to make its reappearance. When we ask you where your penny is you say "in my butt". Makes me laugh every time. You've got one more week to get that penny out though buster before we have to go back to the hospital for the next steps so get it moving, ok?
~You're learning to ride your bike and love your new helmet.
~You refuse to even think about sitting on the potty yet. Give it up kiddo! You'll have to do it sooner or later and mommy would prefer sooner, ok?
I needed to put down into words our conversation last night. When you woke up crying and Mommy brought you into bed with her so that we could snuggle. I said to you "guess what?" and you responded with "guess what?" and I said "I love you" and you responded with "I love you too". It made my heart smile. Usually you just say I love you back. This was like a give and take conversation though which makes it just that much more special.
I love you so very much Matthew William and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us together.
Love, Mommy
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