I am a worry wart. I know and acknowledge this. I embrace it. But now I find that I'm projecting this onto my son. I worry as all mothers do. 'Is he walking funny?' 'Where did that bruise come from?' But sometimes my concerns are justified.
Matt has been staying at my moms the last couple of nights because she took him to the Jersey Shore (and yes, they ran into The Situation!) and we'd be asleep by the time they got home. Well last night was the first night he'd been home and I was anxious to get home to see him. Of course, the el was running late and then there was a long line at the parking garage so I got home later than I normally would.

I was so excited to see Matt...and he was a grump! He was outside playing with Daddy and I took him in with me to get him a drink. I noticed that he had a dirty diaper and took him upstairs to change him. His poop was loose and covered him from back to front. As soon as I took a wipe to clean him up he let out this awful scream and almost flipped himself off the changing table!
I yelled for my husband to come in and take a look and we put Matt into the tub to cool his bum off and get him clean since the wipes were making him scream. At that point we noticed his tip was also irritated. So I called the doctors office. They had us come in and after a long wait (since they were kind enough to squeeze us in) we found out that he has a yeast rash! My poor baby's bum bum!!!
We have a prescription cream to use and need to apply Desitin on top of that. He gets to run around as nakey baby for a few hours a day too to let the air help to clear up the rash.
He woke up with a poopy diaper again this morning, still loose. But the rash seems to be a little less red already. I hope it clears up soon because I hate to see my baby in pain!!!
As for me, 28 weeks and counting! The c-section has been scheduled for October 21st so we're in the 70s for a countdown. I really want Luke to come on 10/10/10 so we may try to see if we can induce labor on our own! I'm in the every-2-week doctors appointment cycle. That's exciting! I'm feeling pretty good too. I wish this heat would subside but it's not looking very promising.
Hey Jenni!
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